About Us

We are a family of five originally from Portland, OR. In the summer of 2018 we decided to move to Lviv, Ukraine. See this post for more about why.


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  1. Hi Ksenia!

    Originally I sent this to you a couple weeks ago to your PCC email, but obviously that email doesn’t work anymore. I
    I just really wanted to let you know how you really left a mark on my life and let you know where I’m in my educational journey, and it all started in your Biology 112 class – I believe I was in Winter 2018. I emailed you a long time ago and thanked you for teaching the class so well, and you suggest I take the Biology 211 series. Well, I did and I got all A’s and loved that class. I finished my first term here at Oregon State with a 3.9 GPA and now I’m going to take a Genetics class at university level this term!

    I went into your class with no intention of ever becoming interested in the sciences, and I still remember you telling is that we sometimes have to read about a concept multiple times, go to lecture AND review it to fully get it – like peeling an onion. That one analogy transformed how I mentally approach studying and learning. Something you said as an offhand remark totally changed how I view myself learning, and I never become frustrated with not being able to learn a concept the first time around anymore. I don’t consider myself especially smarter than anyone else, but I feel that a lot of my success in the sciences has been due to that.

    I’m just really glad I was in your class because learning about how awesome that stuff was, and overcoming my fear of taking a difficult class, pride in myself and how I can learn. In fact, last year I was taking a remedial math class at PCC (Math 95/ Alegbra 2), and now I’m taking Calculus at Oregon State.

    Anyways, thank you so much. I’m so glad I found something so cool because of your teaching.


    1. Oh my goodness Chloe! What an incredibly pleasant surprise it was to find your message while digging through all the spam here! My PCC email is still valid (I’m returning to teaching there soon) but there are so many emails coming into that account that I’ve been unable to keep up with it while being away. I know you sent this almost nine months ago — but in case you’ll be notified of this reply, I wanted to let you know how much it meant to me. First of all, I am so incredibly excited to hear how your self-confidence, self-love, and general perception of yourself was improved by your experience at PCC. That, beyond any scientific knowledge, is the most valuable thing! I hope that continues to stay with you through all that you do. I need a good reminder of that myself sometimes :) Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to find me and write to me. As you’d probably guess, teachers don’t get feedback like that very often, but when we do, it’s a life changer :) thank you.


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